20 Oktober 2010

Perlantikan Wakil MTUC & PSI

Pepagi nie sampai office bukak email....tup tup nampak email daripada Ali Omar iaitu sekretariat KPPRTNB     (Union TNB). So bukak lar... baca email tengok tajuk jer... perlantikan... mmmm.. menarik nie.... sekali baca sampai habis rupanya mesyuarat pegawai2 KPPRTNB telah melantik aku sebagai ahli wanita wakil untuk MTUC & PSI... alamak...aku ganra gak ..pasalnya of course aku adalah ahli pertama wanita yang kena jadi wakil MTUC & PSI... Masalah aku sebenarnya MTUC aku tahu lah...Malaysian Trade Union Congress but PSI... waduh....

If u all nak tahu mengenai MTUC... 

Its Origin
Functions and Objectives
Representative of Labour
Achievement and Activities
International Role
The trade union movement in Malaysia has today changed its traditional role of merely promoting bread and butter issues of its members. It is today involving itself in the economic development of the country. MTUC activities are geared to promote equality, improve living standards of workers and create a better and safer working environment.

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